Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In This Storm

Yesterday was a rough day. My mom's test results came in, and honestly I was completely unprepared for what we found out. I knew that everything was going to be fine. I was convinced that we were going to hear that all was well and would be able to finally put this behind us and move on. After all, we had many people praying for her healing, the doctor who performed the biopsy was fairly confident in what he saw, and I knew that God did not want my mother to have to battle cancer - not now, not while she is still so young. So, my mind was made up that the results would be positive. She would be fine. . .

How quickly things change! She has a malignant tumor on the lower left lobe of her lung. She will go in this Friday to have the lobe and surrounding lymph nodes removed. After that, the doctor will determine what happens next based on what he finds during the surgery.

I'll admit, yesterday was a bad day! I melted. I was shocked. How could this happen? Everything I found on the Internet added to my panic. I couldn't see past the news to do anything but sit and cry. Friends called and sent me text messages as the news spread, but I couldn't respond . . . I didn't know what to say. I finally called Keely, only to sob into the phone, and she and Matt came over immediately. They sat with Brad and I, and talked, and prayed. And suddenly, I felt a hint of peace . . . it's amazing what prayer can do and how God can use people at the right moment to say the right thing to remind you that He is right there. Later we went to my mom's house and were surrounded with a houseful of family friends who showed up to offer food and support. Again, I was reminded of all of the blessings that we have. I have been overwhelmed by the response of people who have contacted me to offer their prayers and support.

Today, the fear has subsided. No, it's not gone, but God has shown me that He has a plan. I don't know where we will go from here. But I do know that we will be alright.

And looking back, it is amazing how this story has unfolded. This "spot" on her lung might have gone undetected for a long time. You see, God has been at work all along. My mom was actually in a car wreck several months ago. She was hit by an uninsured, unlicensed driver and it totaled her truck. At the time, it was a terrible and expensive inconvenience. As a result of the wreck, she began to have shoulder pain and numbness in one arm. She eventually had to have surgery to have a plate put along the top of her spine to repair the damaged disks from the wreck. (Did I mention that this wreck was an expensive inconvenience?) Well, during a pre-op MRI, they noticed a shadow in her lung . . . I have read enough info on the Internet to know that oftentimes, lung cancer is not detected until it is too late. This is because by the time a patient is showing symptoms, it has usually spread and grown. But we caught it early. All because of the uninsured and unlicensed driver - bless her heart!

I love Casting Crowns. One of my favorite songs by them is "Praise You In This Storm". And as I woke up this morning, and felt God's peace, this song immediately began to play in my mind. So, I decided to close with the lyrics to the chorus:

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise you in this storm


Aubrey said...

My dear friend, words fail me. I am in tears as I read your blog and ache for your family. I have been on my knees and will continue to lift your mom and your whole family up in prayer. God is able. I know I am far away, but I am here, and I love you dearly.

Barb said...

Our love and prayers are with all of you. Please give your mom a hug from us and let her know that we are praying for her. We are certain that God will work in a powerful way even in such a difficult time. We love you!
Barb & Darrell

Unknown said...

No words, only tears and prayers.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Love always

Joyce said...

I have little fear because I know that God is carrying me in the palm of his hand.
Please continue to pray for me and my family as we go through the fiery trials ahead. I know that God is going to deliver me from the fire,through the fire or by the fire and he is always with me.I have been blessed!

homecooks said...

God wants awesome things for your family. I believe that! You are on my mind, my heart and in my prayers!

Love you and your family dearly

thefwfoxes said...

Amy - we are praying for your precious family and your mom. We love all of you dearly. Kevin and Holly

TaraB said...
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Happy Mama said...

sweet amy- on my knees thanking God in advance for the healing that will take place. I tried to call you, but your # is not listed. Keep us posted-love you.