Saturday, August 23, 2008

Feelin' The Love

Lily and I have been back at school for a week now. All of our teachers came back on Monday and (finally) the daycare was open again. My school district actually has daycare for teachers, which has been wonderful the past seven years, especially now that both girls and I are finally on the same campus. One stop in the morning is great compared to the years that I had to drop each girl off at a different campus and then fight the high school traffic to get across town to my own school.

Yesterday morning, after I dropped her off and had started working, two of the teachers came walking down the hall toward me laughing. They also have daughters in the preschool class, and had just come in from dropping them off. They said that while they were out there, I made an announcement over the intercom to the teachers. One of them said to Lily, "Hey, Lily, did you hear your mom talking? Isn't that cool that you can hear her while you are at school?" Lily's response . . . she rolled her eyes and said (completely unimpressed with me), "Yea, that was my mom. She talks a lot." Leave it to my precious three-year-old to show me the love!

While Lily and I have been at school, SuperDad (a.k.a Brad) has been picking up Gracie each morning on his way home from work, (He is working midnight to 8:00 right now.) and watching her all day until I get home. The only problem has been that I haven't been home earlier than 8:00 at night all week. (With a new secretary and office receptionist, life has been pretty hectic trying to get ready for the first day of school.) Needless to say, SuperDad is pretty sleepy today.

My mom has an appointment with her oncologist on Monday. After that we should know the treatment plan and when she will begin chemo. Please continue your prayers for her complete healing and recovery. I am confident that God's warriors are fervently lifting her up and that His healing has already begun.

1 comment:

realitymomma said...

yes, having daycare on campus and one stop in the morning is a big plus to a job!!! at least the other preschool kids were impressed with you!