11 years ago I had it all figured out. I had just graduated from college. I had a plane ticket purchased to move across the country, the perfect job offer, and thought that life couldn't be better. I had a plan . . . the problem . . . God had a different one.
11 years ago today, I met Brad. He really threw a kink in my plan. I DID NOT want to be interested in a boy from Oklahoma. That did not fit into my plan of moving to Washington state. So, I continued on with the original plan full force ahead! Until 4 days later when I slid off a highway on black ice in the middle of nowhere Kansas. The car (which was my sister's brand new car that she had let me borrow for the trip to Aubrey's wedding) crossed over oncoming traffic and rolled over narrowly missing a telephone pole and a gas line pole. This was definitely not part of the plan! I spent all of my graduation / moving money towing the totalled car back to Texas and taking care of as much of the negative balance on the car that I could. I spent over a week crying, not sure what to do with myself. I had my life planned out. I knew exactly what I wanted. And I felt my dreams slipping away. I did not want to stay in small town Texas! Then over the next couple of months, my priorities began to change. Brad came around more and more often and I was hooked. Plans changed! I got the perfect job here and I fell in love with the boy from Oklahoma.
10 years ago today there was no looking back. Brad proposed to me on a carriage ride in downtown Fort Worth on New Years Eve. And the rest is history. I wouldn't change a thing! We have been blessed with great friends, loving family, and two precious little girls. This is way better than my original plan! I am thankful that God is in charge. I am thankful that He brought Brad and I together, that He made it impossible for me to continue on as I had hoped, and that He continues to surprise us with unexpected blessings.
In this New Year, I wish your family all the best. May God surprise you with unexpected blessings as he has done for us!
reversing roles
15 years ago